Lucien Bill

a proud member of the green team of 512KB club

Hello there!

I am Lucien, welcome to my website! This is the homepage: it contains a brief description of who I am and what I do, and the list of some of my projects.

My projects

I am a musician, a bit of a sound nerd, a vintage amp enthusiast, I collect vinyl records, I do some coding... And here is a list of some of the the stuff I do:

My job: Software Testing Expert

I've had many interesting discussions with Software Engineers who have been driven by passion from the very begining of their learning curriculum.

I am not exactly like them. I graduated as a mechanical Engineer in 2013 with a very strong belief: "I suck at this". This oddly didn't help me to find a job, but I didn't give up. I eventually noticed an offer that read like "need a career change? Come in and learn to code". The only requirement was a master's degree, which I had! I thought : "I'm already a nerd, let's fully embrace it".

And so began my career in computer science: out of necessity. Luckily I quickly developed a genuine interest for it. My retraining went well and I became a Software Developper... Then a developer who tests.

I have become a tester who codes: while I leverage automation tools, I do keep in mind that they aren't magical. Put differently: doing the right thing manually has more value than automating the wrong thing. My main skills are:

Today, I'm using my skillset to help teams implement and improve their software testing practices. Because generally speaking, we all want to improve software quality. But figuring out "how" is not trivial.

Where to reach me